Travel Trade
What is IITA?
The International Inbound Travel Association (IITA) is the nonprofit trade association for international inbound travel to the United States. IITA members include U.S. inbound operators, DMOs and suppliers (lodging companies, transportation, attractions, restaurants, etc.) from across the country.
IITA Inbound Operators (also known as receptive tour operators) are U.S.-based companies that market and sell U.S. travel products to international travel buyers, including tour wholesalers, travel agents and other travel producers and provide travel services throughout the U.S. for their groups and FIT travelers.
How can we help you?
IITA Inbound Operators can provide assistance by customizing a complete tour program for your client(s), assisting with specific components or including your client(s) in scheduled programs.
All you need to do is to complete a USA Travel Product Assistance form and we'll send your request to IITA Inbound Operator members. They will in turn respond accordingly.
Get started here!
If you would like to do a little research for yourself, sign up HERE to view our Inbound Operator company profiles! The profiles contain contact information, products/destinations offered and a number of other important details that will help you identify IITA members that would make great partners for you.