Become a Member
The membership year runs from July 1 through June 30.
DMO - City/CVB
Membership is available to Destination Marketing Organizations including local, state, regional and national tourism offices, convention and visitors bureaus, and chambers of commerce that promote U.S. travel destinations.
This category is for DMOs representing a city or convention and visitors bureau.
Memberships run from July 1 - June 30 and the annual cost for this category is $695 per year. Dues are not pro-rated until April of each year.
DMO - State/Region/National
DMO - State/Region/National
This category is for DMOs representing a region, state, or national office of tourism.
Memberships run from July 1 - June 30 and the annual cost for this category is $995 per year. Dues are not pro-rated until April of each year.
Inbound Operator - Less than $25m
Membership is available to inbound operators (i.e., receptive tour operators, destination management companies, incentive management companies) with registered offices in the United States selling inbound travel services to the U.S. via business-to-business relationships with the international travel trade.
This category is for companies with less than $25M in annual revenue.
Memberships run from July 1 - June 30 and the annual cost for this category is $595 per year. Dues are not pro-rated until April of each year.
Inbound Operator - More than $25m
Membership is available to inbound operators (i.e., receptive tour operators, destination management companies, incentive management companies) with registered offices in the United States selling inbound travel services to the U.S. via business-to-business relationships with the international travel trade.
This category is for companies with more than $25M in annual revenue.
Memberships run from July 1 - June 30 and the annual cost for this category is $895 per year. Dues are not pro-rated until April of each year.
Industry Service Provider
Membership is available to companies that provide non-travel products and services used by Inbound Operator, Supplier and/or DMO members in conducting their business activities. These goods and services may include accounting, legal, printing, insurance, advertising, software and similar other goods and services.
Memberships run from July 1 - June 30 and the annual cost for this category is $995 per year. Dues are not pro-rated until April of each year.
Supplier - Individual Entity
Membership is available to suppliers of travel services (hotels/accommodations, transportation companies, restaurants, attractions) and other organizations engaged in selling tour components to Inbound Operators.
This category is for companies representing one location or single entity.
Memberships run from July 1 - June 30 and the annual cost for this category is $695 per year. Dues are not pro-rated until April of each year.
Supplier - Multiple Entities
This category is for companies representing more than one location or multiple entities.
Memberships run from July 1 - June 30 and the annual cost for this category is $995 per year. Dues are not pro-rated until April of each year.
Sustaining Members of IITA are Suppliers and DMOs with increased contributions and visibility within the Association. In return for their efforts and support, they receive additional exposure within the Association and a position on the IITA Advisory Council, which advises and meets with the Board of Directors.
Additional benefits include:
- One complimentary registration to the IITA Summit
- One Member Spotlight (Q&A) - IITA Newsletter
- Participation in IITA Board of Directors Meetings/Retreat
- Advisory Council meetings to provide DMO/Supplier input
- Advisory Council listing on the website and recognition in the Member Directory
- Company logo and link on the IITA Partner page
- Banner ad on the IITA website
- Logo recognition at the Annual Business Meeting
- Sustaining Member ribbon at Summit
- Recognition on IITA social media sites
Memberships run from July 1 - June 30 and the annual cost for this category is $3500.00 per year. Dues are not pro-rated until April of each year.
Professional Affiliate
Professional Affiliate Members may serve on committees but may not be elected to the Board of Directors or Executive Committee. Professional Affiliate Members are not permitted to vote on the affairs of the Association.
Memberships run from July 1 - June 30 and the annual cost for this category is $95 per year. Dues are not pro-rated until April of each year.